In Shi to no Yakusoku, the 2021 Fuji TV Japanese adaptation of Appointment with Death, Uesugi Honami (上杉穂波 - Honami Uesugi in Western format) is the parallel character of Lady Westholme.
Unlike Lady Westholme, the viewers are not presented with a mystery as to her backstory. Here Uesugi is an acquaintance of Suguro (Poirot). From their very first meeting early in the show, Suguro calls her by her former name "Sato" and talks about her past. She used to be a jewel thief in Tokyo nick-named "Cats-eye" (猫の目) but was caught by Suguro. In later years, she appears to have reformed and rose to become a member of parliament, following in the footsteps of her late husband, also and M.P. Suguro tells her how proud and happy he is that she has turned out so well. She in turn is grateful for Suguro's help and support in her reform process (we are not told what he did). When Suguro meets her at the Kumano Kodo, she is travelling around Japan. She tells Suguro that she is reflecting on her past life and writing her autobiography with the help of one Asuka Hana (the Amabel Pierce parallel) who is an editor. In this adaptation, Suguro actually develops a romantic attraction to her.
Uesugi Honami is portrayed by Suzuki Kyôka (鈴木京香).