Agatha Christie Wiki

In the novel A Murder is Announced, Tiglath Pileser is the cat at the vicarage in Chipping Cleghorn. His actions provide Miss Marple with important clues.

In the short story Sanctuary, Mrs Burt serves Julian Harmon some "very peculiar fish-cakes". Not wanting to hurt her feelings, he tries to feed them to Tiglath Pileser. However, Tiglath Pileser refuses to eat them. According to Bunch, he has a "proud stomach", and is ery particular about the kind of fish he eats.


  • In the 1985 BBC adaptation, starring Joan Hickson, the cat was renamed Delilah. Mrs Harmon says that her husband, named the cat Delilah. She jokes about worrying that the cat's moral standards will turn out to be the same as her namesake in the Bible.
  • In the 2005 ITV adaptation, starring Geraldine McEwan, the Harmon family is not featured and so neither is the cat.