Agatha Christie Wiki

In the short story Tape-Measure Murder, Ted Gerard was a good-looking young man who was a close friend of Mrs Dorothy Spenlow. When Mrs Spenlow was murdered, attention turned to him as a plausible suspect. It was true that he had been seeing her very often, so much so there was a rumour in the village that he was having an affair with her. Furthermore, in the eyes of the police "an undesirable character" who had once embezzled money from his employer (but owned up to it later). He was seen arriving at the station from the two twenty-seven train and so had opportunity. Nonetheless, there was no motive and it did not seem that he would benefit from the crime in any way.

It is not clear if Gerard is a resident in St. Mary Mead. Miss Marple said that "he's come down to see her so often", suggesting that he lives elsewhere and visits frequently. As for being seen together often, Miss Marple believed it was quite natural. Gerard was a member of the "Oxford Group" and Mrs Spenlow was quite attracted by their teachings. The Oxford Group emphasised, among other things, honesty. Inspector Slack and Colonel Melchett speculated that his religious beliefs may have a role in making Gerard own up to his act of embezzling money. Miss Marple would surmise that the teachings of the group would have a part to play in why Mrs Spenlow was murdered (see article on Dorothy Spenlow for details).

In the same paragraph, Miss Marple goes on to describe their "last curate but one", a handsome young man who had a "magical effect" on the women in the village. The girls came to church more often and the older women suddenly became more active in parish work. It is not clear if Gerard is this curate or Miss Marple is merely mentioning a parallel. The latter seems more likely. Inspector Slack described the victim of the embezzlement as his employer. Had he been a curate, he might have been more specific and mention embezzling church funds or his diocese.


Ted Gerard is also featured in the anime show Tape-Measure Murder, NHK's adaptation of story of the same name. Here the screenwriters opted to simplify the ambiguities in his description in the original story. He is made the curate of the village church and the leader of a local chapter/cell of the Oxford Group. Mrs Spenlow is a member of the group, thus explaining their frequent meetings. There are numerous flashbacks showing Gerard meeting with Mrs Spenlow. Mrs Spenlow is also depicted listening to Gerard preach in church. There is the same anecdote of him having a positive effect on church attendance and how old ladies kept knitting things for him. The bit about him having embezzled money is not mentioned.

