In the novel Sad Cypress, Ted Bigland is a farmer's son who was very fond of Mary Gerrard. He lives in Maidensford, and works at a garage.
Ted is described as being a "good-looking, fair young giant".
Poirot calls on Ted, to ask him about Mary. As it is a Sunday, he finds Ted at his father's farm. Ted tells Poirot that it does not seem possible that anyone would kill Mary, because "she was like a flower". He suggested that Mary's death might have been something that was not meant to happen, or was a mistake.
Ted tells Poirot that he had wanted to marry Mary, but that she did not want to marry him. He says that the education and going abroad changed Mary, so that she did not know "where she was any more". She was too good for him, but not good enough for a real gentleman.