In the short story The Dressmaker's Doll, Sybil Fox is the assistant of Alicia Coombe.
At the beginning of the story, Sybil assists Mrs Fellows-Brown during a dress fitting. Mrs Fellows-Brown comments on the doll in the fitting room, asking how long they have had it. Alicia asks Sybil, and she replies that she does not know.
Mrs Groves tells Sybil that the doll gives her the creeps. Sybil asks Alicia how long she has had the doll, and who gave it to her. Sybil says that she cannot remember when she first noticed the doll.
When the doll appears to be moving around the fitting room on its own, Sybil asks the girls in the workroom if they have been moving it. However, they all say that they did not touch the doll.
Sybil later locks the door of the fitting room when she leaves at night, but the next morning the doll has moved again. Eventually, Alicia decides to keep the door permanently locked, and let the doll have the room.
Sybil later finds that the doll has moved to the showroom, and calls Alicia to come and look.