In Meurtre à la kermesse, the French Télévisions film adaptation of Agatha Christie's Hallowe'en Party, for the season 2 of the Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie TV series, Svetlana Navratil is a Czechoslovakian refugee and a friend of Olga Semirov. The two had been brought to France by association run by Dr Petit to help refugees settle in France. Petit found the two jobs working for one Mrs Cabaret. In the course of the events in the episode, after Olga has gone missing for two weeks, Svetlana decides to report to the police.
At the commisariat, Svetlana meets Marlene. She gives Marlene a description and also produces a photograph. Marlene notices that Olga had a hairstyle resembling Mylène Demongeot, a famous actress. Marlene and Alice later connect this with what Luisa Ortega had claimed, that the person she had seen murdered was a filmstar. Marlene and Alice thus speculate that Luisa might have seen Olga.
Later in the episode Svetlana also goes missing. Enquiries by Marlene with customs show that she had crossed the border into another country. On hearing this, Laurence comments that she was wise to do so, although we are not told why. It could be that she was thereby getting herself out of danger or that she had committed some offence or other.
Svetlana Navratil is portrayed by Madalina Quinchon.