Superintendent Jim Wheeler is a non-canonical character created for the film adaptation of Cards on the Table in Series 10 of ITV's Agatha Christie's Poirot drama series. He is a policeman and one of the four "sleuths" invited by Mr Shaitana for dinner. He conducts the investigation of Shaitana's murder and is the parallel of Superintendent Battle in the original novel.
In the adaptation, the Superintendent also has his own dark secret and is involved in his own subplot. This seemed to affect his investigation into Shaitana's murder. Even one of the suspects, Mrs Lorrimer, noted that he did not seem to be "trying very hard". Wheeler is a homosexual and for some reason Shaitana has managed to take or obtain photos of Wheeler in a compromising position. After the murder, Wheeler staged a break-in into Shaitana's house to try to retrieve the photos but apparently without success. Poirot finally obtained the photos which were being held by a photographer named Serge Mureau and passed them to Wheeler at the end of the episode.
The part of Superintendent Wheeler is played by David Westhead.