In Murder Party, the French Télévisions film adaptation of Agatha Christie's A Murder is Announced, for the Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie TV series, Sonia is the approximate parallel of Sonia Stamfordis in the original novel. Here she is not the sister of Denis Sontag, the parallel of Randall Goedler. Instead, she was his lover. Sontag left her when he and Leticia Salvan became lovers. The breakup was apparently violent and Sonia had tried to trap him by having a child whom she named Emma. Sontag disowned the child and denied she was his. After his death, Sonia and Emma had tried to challenge Sontag's the will and claim his fortune but had not been able to produce any proof of their relationship with Sontag. There is no visual of Sonia in the show nor is her surname revealed.