In Shi to no Yakusoku, the 2021 Fuji TV Japanese adaptation of Appointment with Death, Sara Kinuko (沙羅絹子 - Kinuko Sara in Western format) is the parallel character of Sarah King. Note that although her name is made to resemble that of Sarah King, "Sara" is the family name and "Kinuko" is her first name. Like Sarah King, Kinuko is also a recently graduated doctor and travelling around Japan.
Kinuko is forthright and confident and believes in saying what she thinks. She tells Suguro (Poirot) that she believes in meeting as many people as possible during her travels. When Suguro notices a connection between her and Hondo Mondo (Raymond Boynton), she tells Suguro that in fact she was the one who made the first approach and that she is interested in him.
Like Sarah King, she and Suguro (there is no Théodore Gérard parallel in this adaptation) approach Jumonji Yasao (Jefferson Cope) for background information about the Hondo family. Kinuko also has conversations with Hondo Nagiko (Carol Boynton) and Hondo Nagiko (Nadine Boynton). Besides wanting more information about the family, Kinuko is also up front with her view that the family should leave Mrs Hondo as they have lives of their own to lead. Like Sarah King, Kinuko also confronts Mrs Hondo. In this particular scene, Mrs Hondo gives the same reply which sounds so inappropriate but here also closes with a loud uncontrolled laugh which leads Kinuko to say that she must be mad.
The part of Sara Kinuko is portrayed by Higa Manami (比嘉愛未).