Agatha Christie Wiki

Lucile Marquis as Rose

In Pension Vanilos, the French Télévisions film adaptation of Agatha Christie's Hickory Dickory Dock, for the Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie TV series, Rose is the parallel of Valerie Hobhouse in the original novel. Rose is portrayed by Lucile Marquis.

Like Valerie, Rose is also a beautician and operates a hair dressing salon. She also helped Solange Vanilos operate her drug smuggling network. She helped Solange disguise herself as Marlène in order to enter the commissariat to gain access to commissaire Laurence's files on his drug investigation. Her salon was also the centre of the drug operation. Bags of drugs were hidden in an unserviceable hair dryer. The inner office was used to measure out and package drugs into smaller quantities for retail sale. Unlike the original novel, Rose is not the daughter of Solange.
