In Cartes sur table, the French Télévisions film adaptation of Agatha Christie's Cards on the Table, for the Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie TV series, Robert Louvier is the parallel of Mr Luxmore in the original story. He was the husband of Jacqueline Louvier.
Like in the original novel, Robert was a botanist who went with his wife on an expedition guided by Paul Coupet. The only difference is that this expedition was to the Limpopo River in Africa and not to the Amazon. The circumstances surrounding the death of Robert is similar to that of Luxmore. Robert caught a fever and became delirious. Coupet saw him going towards the river. He would have fallen in and drowned. Coupet aimed his rifle at him, intending to wound him in the leg to stop him approaching the river. Just as he pulled the tirgger, Robert's wife Jacqueline grabbed at Coupet, causing his gun to swerve and Robert was hit in the heart and killed.