In the novel Five Little Pigs, Richard Crale is mentioned. He was the son of Enoch Crale, and the father of Amyas Crale.
Richard had passed away by the time of the events of the novel. However, he is mentioned by Caleb Jonathan, who knew him. According to Mr Jonathan, all the Crales, including Richard, were country squires, who thought more of horses than of people. He said that the Crales "rode straight, liked women, and had no truck with ideas".
According to Mr Jonathan, Richard had a "driving power" and "ruthless egoism", which he passed on to his son, Amyas. Richard, like all the Crales, was an egoist, who never saw any point of view but his own.
Richard's wife wanted to name their son Amyas, and Richard scoffed at the name, but eventually gave in. They also had a daughter, Diana. Richard was disappointed with his children, because they did not run "true to type", and were uninterested in hunting, shooting, and fishing. Diana married a man who was a temporary officer in the war, and not a gentleman, and Amyas became a painter. Mr Jonathan was of the opinion that Richard died of the shock.