Rebecca Knight is a non-canonical character created for the 2003 ITV adaptation of the novel Sparkling Cyanide. She is the daughter of Col Geoffrey Reece and his wife Dr Catherine Kendall. During the course of the show, her house is under renovation and she and her son Sam Knight have moved into the house of the Reeces.
Part of the running gag in the show is how the Reeces have to their true occupations a secret from Rebecca, all the more difficult now that Rebecca is staying in their house. To Rebecca and Sam, Supposedly they have boring jobs: Col Reece works in army pensions while Catherine works in school administration. Yet they have two telephones in the house and a computer with encrypted files which Reece is concerned that Sam does not tamper with. At the beginning of the show, Reece is called away urgently by his office. Rebecca cannot believe that there could be such a thing as an emergency in army pensions.
Rebecca Knight is portrayed by Ruth Platt.