Agatha Christie Wiki

In the short story The Apples of the Hesperides, Patrick Casey is a member of an international gang of jewel thieves. Irish by nationality, Casey was the expert cat-burglar of the group. Shortly after the theft of a renaissance era golden goblet from the palace of the Marchese di San Veratrino, two other members of the gang, Dublay and Riccovetti were arrested. However Casey managed to evade capture. He was killed two weeks later when he fell from the fifth floor of a Parisian building while trying to rob the house of a millionaire banker named Duvauglier.

Other items of lesser value from the Veratrino robbery had been recovered with the capture of Dublay and Riccovetti but not the golden goblet. It was assumed that Casey had somehow managed to smuggle the item out of Europe. Inspector Wagstaffe had searched Casey's house in Liverpool but had been unsuccessful but years later, he told Poirot that he was still convinced that Casey had cached the goblet away somewhere. Patrick had a daughter Kate who became a nun.
