In the short story The Adventure of the Clapham Cook, Mrs Todd is a woman living with her husband at 88 Prince Albert Road, Clapham. After her cook disappears, she contacts Hercule Poirot believing that he can help because she had read about him in the newspapers. When Poirot declined the case at first, she rebuked him sharply, saying that he was too proud, and only concerns with "Government secrets and countesses' jewels". From her point of view, "A good cook’s a good cook—and when you lose her, it’s as much to you as her pearls are to some fine lady." Poirot took this rebuke to heart and agreed to help her.
Mrs Todd is described as a stout and red-faced woman of middle age.
Mrs Todd is played by Brigit Forsyth in the film adaptation of the story which was episode 1 of Series 1 of ITV's Agatha Christie's Poirot drama series. Here she has the first name "Ernestine".
In NHK's anime adaptation The Adventure of the Clapham Cook, the character of Mrs Todd is voiced by actress Harue Akagi.