In Shi to no Yakusoku, (Promise of Death), the 2021 Fuji TV Japanese adaptation of Appointment with Death, Mrs Hondo is the parallel character of Mrs Boynton.
The portrayal of Mrs Hondo is very faithful to the original Mrs Boynton in the way she tries to dominate her family. Like the original Mrs Boynton, Mrs Hondo is the second wife of the late and wealthy Mr Hondo who came from a family of large landowners. In this case, Mr Hondo was an official at the Ministry of Justice and also the warden of a prison. According to Jumonji Yasao (Jefferson Cope), this was how he met the second Mrs Hondo who was a prison guard. It was in this position that she first met [Uesugi Honami]] (Lady Westholme) and set the scene for the main events in the show.
Mrs Hondo is portrayed by Matsuzaka Keiko.