In the novel Destination Unknown, Miss Jennson is a member of the administrative staff at Aristides's research establishment. She meets new arrivals and conducts them through various stages of the induction process and looks after them in general.
Andrew Peters, a research chemist who had travelled to the research station together with Hilary Craven found Miss Jennson a useful person to get to know and to chat up. During a dance, he made a point of dancing with her and at other times, paid attention to her. Through his efforts, he managed to get her to tell him that the station would be expecting a delegation of distinguished visitors soon. Peters had become disillusioned with the research station and planned to escape. He therefore intended to continue to work on Miss Jennson to learn as much about the place as possible.
Miss Jennson is described as a dark, thin, spectacled girl. There is a Swiss woman in charge of the Registry, which documents the personal details of all personnel at the station. However, given the description of her: "like a strict nursery governess", "hair ... rolled into a rather hideous bun ... wore very efficient-looking pince-nez", this woman is unlikely to be the same person as Miss Jennson. Certainly she would be unlikely to want to dance with Peters.