In the Le crime de Noël episode of TV series Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie, Miss Chevalier is a woman who had been employed as a teacher at the Orphelinat Sainte-Cécile. She is late turning up at the post and Madame Hautin mistakes Alice Avril for Miss Chevalier. Alice plays along as it gives her a chance to investigate the goings on at the orphanage. Her background as an orphan would alos help the children open up to her. Her stint is made easier by the fact that Miss Chevalier had sent her luggage on ahead so Alice has clothes and other necessities. This is quite convenient for Alice except that Miss Chevalier seems to have an attraction for the colour pink and almost all her clothes and accessories are of that colour! Towards the end of the episode, the real Miss Chevalier turns up. Alice meets her at the gate and knows that her cover might be blown. So she thinks up a story about a typhus epidemic at orphanage and sends Miss Chevalier away. Miss Chevalier is portrayed by Delphine Paillard.