In Yokoku Satsujin, the 2019 TV Asahi Japanese adaptation of A Murder is Announced, Machita Totoko (町田百々子 - Totolo Machita in Western format) is a farmer and the parallel of Amy Murgatroyd from the original novel. Nicknamed "Toto", she and her friend Shinaji Kurie ("Hinchi") run a farm which supplies produce to Komichi-no-yakata (Little Hall - "Little Paddocks").
In this adaptation, Toto and Hinchi are much younger, being only about 25 and thus possible candidates for Shizuho ("Pip") and Enma ("Emma"), children of Soniya (素仁愛), the sister of the late Hokkaido millionaire Gaido Randoru (外道兰毘).
Toto has a smaller role in this adaptation because she is killed earlier, shortly after Kurumai Kyuzo (Rudi Scherz). Like in the original, Toto and Hinchi re-enact the scene at Komichi-no-yakata. Toto suddenly remembers starts to say something but Hinchi gets a call and rushes off. Someone has overheard Toto and when Hinchi returns, Toto has been strangled. Japanese does have gender specfic constructions and it is possible to say "he wasn't there" or "she wasn't there" but in this adaptation, Toto uses a gender-neutral construction "that person wasn't there". Presumably this was so as to not close off a large number of male suspects.
The part of Toto is played by Sato Rei (佐藤玲).