In Pension Vanilos, the French Télévisions film adaptation of Agatha Christie's Hickory Dickory Dock, for the Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie TV series, Kuang Jia is a maid or cleaning lady employed by Solange Vanilos at her pension in Lille. During the investigation into the murder of Louise Lambert at the pension, commissaire Laurence astonishes Alice Avril by being able to speak to Kuang Jia in chinese. She tells Laurence that she had seen Mary Patterson at the Pension in the past.
The parallel of Kuang Jia in the original Christie novel might be Mrs Biggs or the other charwoman there. Mrs Hubbard mentions that they employ two reliable charwomen for the hostel. The character of Kuang Jia is played by Li Jun Ying.