In the novel The Secret Adversary, Kramenin is a well known Russian revolutionary. He goes under the designation Number One, and is the unofficial leader of a gang of Bolsheviks.
He is described as being a "small man, very pale, with a gentle almost womanish air". His eyes are described as being strange and light. Tommy observes that the "angle of his cheekbones" hint at his "Slavonic ancestry", but that there is otherwise "nothing to indicate his nationality". He reminds Tommy of a venomous snake.
Kramenin arrives in London during the events of the novel, and attends a meeting of the gang. He tells the gang that there were difficulties in coming to meet them, but that one meeting is essential, to define his policy.
Tommy later recognizes Kramenin from a photograph in the newspaper, and reports to Mr Carter that Kramenin is Number One. Mr Carter says that this is important, as they want something against Kramenin, "to prevent the Cabinet falling on his neck too freely".
While in London, Kramenin stays at a suite at Claridge's. Julius Hersheimmer calls on him there, and Kramenin sends his secretary, Ivan Grieber, down to receive him.
Julius finds Kramenin to be an "abject physical coward", when he threatens him with his gun. Julius asks Kramenin where Jane Finn is, and Kramenin at first refuses to tell him, as he is afraid of Mr Brown. He also tells Julius that he will hang if he shoots him. However, when Julius says that he will not be hanged because he is rich, and can afford to pay lawyers and doctors who will say that he was mentally unhinged, Kramenin believes him, because he is corrupt, and believes in the power of money.
Julius makes Kramenin take him to where Jane Finn and Tuppence are being held. Kramenin asks for the girls, and they are taken into Julius' car. Kramenin is afraid because the gang will know that he has betrayed them. Julius orders the car to stop, and Kramenin swings himself out and disappears into the night.
It is later revealed that Kramenin makes a precipitate return to Russia.