In the short story The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding, Kings Lacey is an old English country manor house and the home of the Lacey family. According to Mr Jesmond, it was a wonderful old English country house, with one wing dating to the fourteenth century. He urged Hercule Poirot to consider spending a few days there to experience the great institution that was the traditional English Christmas. Poirot was at first reluctant to leave the warm comforts of London for a "large, cold stone manor house" in the winter. However, Jesmond told him that King's Lacey had been modernized and had oil-fired central heating and this attracted Poirot.
Filming locations[]
In the ITV 1991 film adaptation of the story, a modernist building, Joldwynds[1] in Surrey was used as the setting for King's Lacey rather than an ancient manor house. Joldwynds was also used in the another episode in the series The Disappearance of Mr Davenheim.
- ↑ Joldwynds, Holmbury St Mary, Surrey, England