In the Tommy and Tuppence short story The Unbreakable Alibi, Jimmy le Marchant is a friend of Una Drake and a key pillar in Una's alibi which Tommy and Tuppence were challenged to break in this story.
Le Marchant confirmed to the Berefords that on the Tuesday in question, he had indeed been having supper with Una Drake at the Savoy late in the evening. There were also the Oglanders at the next table, people who also knew Una Drake and could corroborate her presence. Oddly enough, le Marchant added that his friend Dicky Rice had told him later that on that same night he had seen Una at a hotel in Torquay.
In LWT's 1983 adaptation of the story (Episode 7 of Agatha Christie's Partners in Crime), the character's name is changed slightly to "Peter Le Marchant" and is portrayed by Michael Jayes. Here he is a wealthy merchant in the import-exports business.
Like in the original, he corroborates Una's alibi but here he has a larger role. He is also Una's partner in crime in the theft of artworks. He dies after hitting his head in a fall, the result of a struggle with Una during an argument in which he refused to hand over to Una her share of the profits from an art theft.