Agatha Christie Wiki

In the novel The Rose and the Yew Tree, Dr James “Jim” Burt is a veterinarian in St. Loo.

Mrs Bigham Charteris considered him the best vet in town and quite clever, although she thinks of him as a brute and someone who drinks too much. She would never trust him with dogs and preferred to use Johnson from Polwithen. Nonetheless, when her dog Lucinda was run over by a car, she had no choice as his house at Western Place was the nearest.

Burt is also known for his abusive treatment of his wife Milly particularly when he has had too much to drink. In the same way, Burt tried to chat up a barmaid Poppy Narracott but she rejected him because of his abusive and rough behaviour.

Towards the end of the novel, it is reported that Burt died in a car accident associated with his drinking.
