Innocent Lies is a 1995 British-French thriller film directed by Patrick Dewolf and starring Stephen Dorff, Gabrielle Anwar, Adrian Dunbar and Joanna Lumley. It is a loose adaptation of the Agatha Christie novel Towards Zero. Keira Knightley had an early role in the film, playing the younger version of Celia Graves, the character portrayed by Anwar. Its French title was Les Pêchés mortels.
A British policeman travels to France in 1938, to investigate the death of one of his colleagues. He becomes interested by a family of wealthy Britons who live in luxury in a French coastal resort, and who were heavily involved with the dead man. He soon uncovers a number of dark secrets which the family has tried to conceal.
- Stephen Dorff - Jeremy Graves
- Gabrielle Anwar - Celia Graves
- Adrian Dunbar - Alan Cross
- Sophie Aubry - Solange Montfort
- Joanna Lumley - Lady Helena Graves
- Florence Hoath - Angela Cross
- Alexis Denisof - Christopher Wood
- Marianne Denicourt - Maud Graves
- Melvil Poupaud - Louis Bernard
- Bernard Haller - Georges Montfort
- Rosalind Bennett - Janet Blain
- Keira Knightley - Young Celia
- Robin Saunders - Celia's Brother
- Tobias Saunders - Celia's Brother
- Charles Duron - Beach boy
- Michel Winogradoff - Albert
- Yvon Back - Inspector Talmi
- Alexandra Monvoisin - Zaza
- Marianne Segol - Gigi
- Tatjana Verdonik - Maud's Mother
- Oskar Freitag - Maud's father
- Alan Ross - Station Clerk