In Shi to no Yakusoku, the 2021 Fuji TV Japanese adaptation of Appointment with Death, Hondo Reiichiro (本堂礼一郎 - Reiichiro Hondo in Western format) is the parallel character of Lennox Boynton. Like Lennox, he is the eldest stepson of Mrs Hondo and married to Nagiko, the parallel of Nadine Boynton who in this case is also a former nurse who looks after the health of Mrs Hondo.
While Mrs Hondo dominates and bullies all her children, she appears to leave Reiichiro alone a little more. He is able to turn up late for meals and decline to join the family for outings--or perhaps he is indifferent and ignores his stepmother's haranguing. However, he tells Suguro Takeru (Poirot) that the year before he had started a business buying and selling paintings. Despite it being promising, it failed badly. His stepmother bailed him out of their debts. This makes it difficult for him to defy her too much.
Hondo Reiichiro is portrayed by Yamamoto Kôji (山本耕史). In one of several easter eggs in the show, Reiichiro is shown reading an English novel "The Adventures of Lenox"--he is the parallel character of Lennox Boynton.