Hester Milewater is a character created for the 2010 ITV adaptation of the short story The Blue Geranium. Hester is the niece of Dermot Milewater, the vicar of Little Ambrose. She was employed as the cook in Summerleigh, the house which had been bought by Pritchards and his invalid wife. At the time of the deaths in the village, Hester had been working there for about a year. Prior to that, she had lived at Strathleven Mansions, Bayswater. She is not married but in love with Jonathan Frayn, the village doctor.
In the course of the investigations into the deaths in the village, Hester told Miss Marple that George Pritchard had lied to the police. On the morning that Eddie Seward had arrived at the village, George had not been at home. He had been out but his whereabouts were not known. She also believed that George had an affair with a former nurse of his wife Nurse Carstairs. She had seen George trying to teach her a golf swing and then kissing her.
The part of Hester Milewater is played by Joanna Page.