Agatha Christie Wiki

In the novel The Man in the Brown Suit, Guy Pagett is Sir Eustace Pedler's secretary. Sir Eustace describes him as and hardworking and reliable person but at the same time finds him very annoying. Sir Eustace constantly tries "to find ways to get rid of him but as he concluded, one could not "dismiss a secretary because he prefers work to play, likes getting up early in the morning, and has positively no vices". For Sir Eustace, the only amusing thing about Pagett is his face: "He has the face of a fourteenth-century poisoner--thé sort of man the Borgias got to do their odd jobs for them."

At one point, Sir Eustace hit on the idea of getting rid of him by sending him to Florence. But he was soon back and hard at work again. Pagett is prone to bilious attacks which put him out of action more than once in the story.
