Agatha Christie Wiki

In the novel They do it with Mirrors, Grace Lamble is one of Miss Marple's village parallels. Ruth Van Rydock had a premonition that something was wrong with her sister Carrie Louise Serrocold. Miss Marple likens it to the feeling she had when once she saw Gracie Lamble in church. She had a feeling that something was wrong and sure enough the next day her deranged father attacked and almost killed her with a coal hammer. Miss Marple went on to explain that this was not just intuition. The feeling was founded on fact, although one does not typically recognise it as such. It turns out that Grace had worn her Sunday hat the wrong way round. Very significant because Grace was a precise and meticulous person. What happened was that her father had earlier in the day thrown a marple paperweight at her and smashed the mirror, so she snatched up her hat and dashed out of the house without the benefit of having the mirror to adjust it.
