Agatha Christie Wiki

Dr. Catherine Kendall is a non-canonical character created for the 2003 ITV adaptation of the novel Sparkling Cyanide. She is the wife of Col Geoffrey Reece. Both of them work for an intelligence agency known as "GSHQ", likely modelled on MI5. At the behest of a senior political figure Phillip McCain, the two take the lead role in investigating the murder of Rosemary Barton. The spelling of her name is perhaps a nod to Chief Inspector Kemp of the original novel, but her backstory and plot role is different.

The Reece/Kendall partnership echoes that of Tommy and Tuppence. Reece and Kendall play different roles and have different areas of expertise. Reece is an old-school investigator, He specialises in questioning witnesses, probing and listening, always sceptical and typically seeing through lies. Kendall also questions witnesses but her expertise lies in analysing "big data" and seeing patterns, with the help of her assistant Andy Hoffman. Thus, by analysing the appointment diary and credit card records of Stephen Farraday they quickly come to the conclusion that he is having an affair with Rosemary Barton.

Catherine Kendall is portrayed by Pauline Collins.
