In the NHK's anime series Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple, Constable Hearst is the village constable of St. Mary Mead. He first appears in Episode 4 The Perfect Maid where he undertakes the investigation of the jewel robberies at Old Hall. Here, he replaces Inspector Slack, the investigator in the original story who does not appear in this adaptation.
Later in Episode 13, Tape-Measure Murder Hearst again does the initial investigation into the murder of Mrs Spenlow but is later joined by Slack.
In Episode 15, The Blue Geranium, Hearst investigates the death of Mary Pritchard. Mary's death takes place not in St. Mary Mead but in a nearby village but he tells Miss Marple that this is also part of his beat.
In Episode 21, the first of the four episode 4:50 from Paddington story arc, Miss Marple takes Elspeth McGillicuddy to see Hearst. Hearst investigates but later reports to Miss Marple that he couldn't find the body. In this role he is doing what Frank Cornish did in the original novel.
Hearst is a non-canonical extra character. In most of the original stories including the original Tape-Measure Murder, the St. Mary Mead constable is Billy Palk. Hearst is voiced by Daisuke Namikawa in The Perfect Maid. There is no credit for Heast in subsequent epidoes although it might still be Namikawa.