In the short story Mr Eastwood's Adventure, writer Anthony Eastwood receives a phone call from a stranger, a woman calling herself "Carmen" who told him that it was a matter of life and death and asked him to meet her at 320 Kirk Street, the address of the second hand glassware shop of Mother Gibson. There he must use codeword "cucumber" which would access to a private room. Shortly after meeting Carmen, Detective-Inspector Verrall and Detective-Sergeant Carter arrive at the room to arrest Eastwood. They believe he is a person named Conrad Fleckman who is wanted for murder. Eastwood decided to take the policemen to his flat to show documents which would prove his true identity.
Eastwood later learned that he had been the victim of an elaborate hoax by The Patterson gang. The person "Conrad Fleckman" was a made-up character in their Anna Rosenburg story which the gang used to trick Eastwood.