Claude Chantalier is a non-canonical character created for the 1993 ITV adaptation of The Chocolate Box. Chantalier was a colleague and fellow policeman with Hercule Poirot in the Belgian police during the pre-World War 1 era. He attended the inquest into the death of Paul Déroulard with Poirot, and like Poirot, had some doubts that the death was natural. However, unlike Poirot, he does not get involved in investigating the death since Poirot was doing it unofficially and at the personal invitation of Virginie Mesnard.
Poirot left Belgium during World War I and from the indications in the show, appears not to have met Chantalier again until he comes to Brussels with Chief Inspector Japp in the mid-1930s for Japp to receive a Belgian honour, that of being made a "Compagnon de la Branche d'Or". By this time, Chantalier has been promoted to become Chief of Police.
Claude Chantalier is portrayed by Jonathan Hackett.