In the television series Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie, Bubulle is the pet fish owned by Marlène Leroy. A running gag in the series is how sometimes the incumbent goldfish would die and Laurence has to surreptitiously replace it with a new one to keep Marlène happy. In the series there were at least 4 Bubulles. Bubulle is popular among fans of the series and is even listed in the credits.
Bubulle I died in the episode Cartes sur table, and was silently replaced by Swan Laurence. In Crimes haute couture, Bubulle II died of accidental poisoning, and this time Alice Avril finds Laurence in his attempt of replacing the pet fish again. Marlène also realizes that the fish is not Bubulle and accuses Laurence of having killed him. Bubulle III, the last to die, was eaten by a dog in the episode Rendez-vous avec la mort. Laurence successfully replaced him with Bubulle IV. Marlene says that Bubulle appears to have lost weight but does not otherwise notice the replacement.