In the short story The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding, Bridget was a grandniece of Colonel Horace Lacey and his wife Emmeline. She was one of the guests at the Christmas house party at Kings Lacey which Poirot also attended. When Poirot overheard that the children at the house party planned to play a practical joke on him by staging a fake murder on Boxing Day, Poirot got Bridget to help turn the tables on them. In doing so, she also helped Poirot unveil the jewel thief that Poirot had come to Kings Lacy to track down.
Bridget was played by Alyssia Gwynther in the film adaptation of the story in Series 3 of ITV's Agatha Christie's Poirot.
In the NHK anime adaptation The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding, the character of Bridget is voiced by Nami Tamaki. Among the non-recurrent characters in this episode, she is one of only two voice talents to receive a credit. Her portrayal is faithful to the original and it would appear that she has even more lines than in the original story. Bridget of course helps Poirot turn the tables on Michael and Colin, but later, when Poirot challenges the children to guess where he has hidden the real ruby, Bridget is the one who finds it in the head of the snowman although it is Mabel West who guesses that it is probably there--she recalled that Poirot had uncharacteristically helped to build the snowman the day before. Like in the original, Bridget also gives Poirot a kiss, after finding him standing under the mistletoe.