In the Le crime de Noël episode of TV series Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie, Bouboule is one of the orphans at the Orphelinat Sainte-Cécile. Early in the episode, a pornographic magazine is found under his bed although. He is beaten for it even though he protests his innocence. Later Louison Sauvage accuses Rudy of always bullying Bouboule, suggesting that perhaps Rudy had planted the magazine there. Towards the end of the episode, Bouboule approaches Alice and asked if it is true that a gun (the weapon used to murder Hubert Dopagne) had been found in Gaston Vernet's room. When Alice confirms it, Bouboule claims Gaston is innocent because he saw Max creeping into Gaston's room. Bouboule is portrayed by Mathieu Maricau.