Agatha Christie Wiki

In the short story The Unbreakable Alibi, Bon Temps is a restaurant in Soho Una Drake had challenged [[Montgomery Jones] to break her unbreakable alibi in which she had impeccable proof of being in two places at the same time. In her elaborate scheme, she was, in one of her stories she was in London, having dinner at Bon Temps before seeing a play in the West End. In the other story, she was at Torquay.

Tommy and Tuppence visited the restaurant to interview the waiters and ask them to pick out Una Drake's photo from among a group of photos. This proved to be a time consuming, expensive as well as a disappointing experience. Each waiter had to be individually spoken to, tipped and then asked to pick out Una Drake. The waiters were not precise in their memories and three different girls were picked out.
