Agatha Christie Wiki

During her lifetime Agatha Christie used notebooks to write down plot ideas, suggestions for reworkings, references to her own stories and much more. At the time of the death of Rosalind Hicks, it was revealed that 73 handwritten notebooks were kept at Greenway.[1]

The content of the notebooks[]

  • Notebook 14 - Contains references to Cover Her Face (one of the working titles for the book Sleeping Murder) under ‘Plans for Sept. 1947’ and ‘Plans for Nov. 1948’.
  • Notebook 19 - Contains a plot idea "girl at theatre – stumbles out" which probably refers to Sleeping Murder.
  • Notebook 53 - A plot outline of the unpublished stage play Miss Perry.
  • Notebook 63 - Information about the Market Basing inn used in Dumb Witness.

