Agatha Christie's Poirot is episode 1 of Super Sleuths, a 6 episode documentary series on ITV produced in 2006 which goes behind the scenes of some of the most popular detective series on British television. The episode was directed and produced by Janette Clucas, narrated by Sean Pertwee and first broadcast on 4 - 5 Nov 2006 on ITV3. The programme is still available on various streaming sites and was included in "Poirot – The Movie Collection set 4", a DVD set produced by Acorn Media and released in 2009 in the US.
With, among others, Philip Jackson, Hugh Fraser, Pauline Moran, David Suchet, writers Anthony Horowitz and Clive Eaton, producer Brian Eastman, Christie’s grandson Matthew Prichard and Simon Brett, the President of the Detection Club.
The documentary comes as a bonus on Acorn Media’s Poirot – The Movie Collection set 4, 7 July 2009 in US.
The documentary features clips with commentary of various scenes of the ITV series Agatha Christie's Poirot and interviews with cast and crew as well was Christie fans, researchers and historians.
Featuring (in alphabetical order)[]
- Edward Bennett - Self
- Simon Brett - Self
- Martina Cole - Self
- Brian Eastman - Self
- Clive Exton - Self
- Hugh Fraser - Self
- Anthony Horowitz - Self
- Philip Jackson - Self
- Maxim Jakubowski - Self
- Margaret Kinsman - Self
- Val McDermid - Self
- Pauline Moran - Self
- Mathew Prichard - Self
- John Stalker - Self
- David Suchet - Self
- Laura Thompson - Self